Friday, April 6, 2012

Smarty Pants

Shakespeare’s the same at Oxford as he is at Community College
The green is the same at Harvard as SUNY’s local foliage

Though atmosphere lends much pressure, it can also drive you insane
Ivy league college professors can’t measure the wealth of your brain.

If determined and curious to study in achieving your God-infused goals,
You could read in a log-covered cabin, baring the brilliance of souls

Who inspired the heart of a nation or discovered what changes our lives
In medicines aided by science to help populations survive

No college can make you creative or give you the talent that’s sought
In applying your lessons with earnest and values in all that you’re taught

And why are some “clever” ones senseless when it comes to the choices in life?
The brilliance of Hitler and Stalin caused death and destruction and strife

Was there ever a poet more brilliant the Frenchman Beaudelaire?
So why was the odor of Hashish pervading the smoke-filled air?

Some names have a trail of letters so long you could “choke a horse”
Doesn’t mean that their choices are wiser than Grandmother’s Godly advice

We’ve “miles to go before we sleep” as Frost so aptly implies
And each day should bring “blossoms new”, before life’s sparkle dies

So Brontë, Austen and Shakespeare share space on my library shelves
Along with Wordsworth, Keats and Blake and books of Tolkein’s elves

My books on photography, ballet and French are also there in view
  And PBS videos of concerts rare to share with friends old and new 

But the book surpassing knowledge great, for open and curious minds
Is the Word of God without a doubt –the others it far outshines 

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