Saturday, April 28, 2012

Harley the Hilarious

     She may be an innocent pile of pretty fluff, but underneath that sweet lovable face and naiveté lies a crafty conniving cat, an FBI-trained feline, and believe it or not, a malicious minx!
                Harley loves fresh food for breakfast, (the only time it is served) and come ” h” or high a water, a way will be found to wake up her sleeping beauty mistress. 
                On the first attempt to get Miss B out of bed, she merely nuzzled her face. No luck – the sleeping young lady just plopped a pillow over her head and went back to sleep. The next night, Harley spied a glass of water on the dresser.  Aha, the vixen is at work.  Squishing her nose in the wet stuff, she proceeds to slosh her mistress’s nose.  It was a cold jolt but now the covers went over her head. 
                Time for another tactic – noise!  How convenient – a door stop that goes “boing”.  “Boing, boing, boing” goes Harley’s paw, relentlessly insisting on “somebody” getting up to stop her, and of course, get her breakfast. Too bad… towels wrapped around the doorstop quelled that racket.  Hmm Harley thinks, “If I get a running start from the back of the room, jump on the bed and slide, I can pull off the covers.  Voila, success- she’s freezing.  Nope, she just went back to bed and tucked the covers in tight, meanwhile reminding me it’s only 3 am.”
                Desperate times call for desperate measures.  Harley remembers 20 jingle balls she got for Christmas and hid all over the house, so at 4 am, what does the tired sleeping princess hear- tinkle tinkle tinkle, on and on.  “Stop it” a tired Miss B cries, grabs the ball, hides it and goes back to bed. ( Five minutes later, more tinkling). “Stop it” she screams at a recoiling Harley yet this action is repeated every five minutes with balls number three, four and five until in desperation, the princess storms out of bed, looks for every ball in the house, puts them in a drawer and hopefully tries to go back to sleep. Problem solved! 
                Five minutes later, a sweet, cuddly, repentant pet leaps on miss B’s chest and gently drops the last hidden number twenty ball on her face.  Who cannot love this adorable animal? 
                  Warning…if Disney ever gets hold of Harley’s antics, look out people- she might just become his next star.  Move over Angela Jolie, there’s a new “cat woman” on the scene.

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