Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Picture this - Sicily 1850 & Grandma Josephine

Vincenza leaving home
I started writing a script for a dance-drama that was years in the making.  It was suggested that I begin with writing a book instead which would be the base for the theater production.  Books take years, so instead, I wrote a series of short stories – all true – of both maternal and paternal grandparents –immigrants from Sicily, to acquaint my present and future family with the lives of those they never knew.  So here goes the introduction to book one…I’ll Tell You a Tale

Introduction: A little note to my grandchildren and their children’s children
Words help to bring people and places to life
 “Everyone’s life is a fairytale written by the hand of God”, H. A. Andersen ,and each tale is a story to be told for stories are works of art which reach into the heart of men, and like snowflakes, are all amazing, shining and completely unique. 
            Listen to the words and they will become a symphony.  Behold the vision and you will see a ballet, Look and a painted canvas will unfold.  You will smell the flower, taste the sfingi (Italian light as air donuts) and feel the fears and joys of children and adults of great courage.
            I will take you to Sicily where you will experience the earthquakes, ride the huge steamships to America, shove your way through Ellis Island  and hear the dynamite explosions of the of the subways. being built. In my series of books, we’ll travel through one hundred years of American history reliving the changing fashions, entertainment, the movies, the heroes  and even the wars which include your own family members.
            Sadly, when I see the faces of some of my students bored with life, I think I am walking among the living dead. Sometimes I too feel empty and weary, but then listen to a song by Louis Prima who sings, “I think to myself, what a wonderful world.”
This is why I wrote this  book for you,. The Lord has said to us, “You shall be radiant at what you see.  Your heart will throb and overflow.  I wish for you, the miraculous vision of faith of those who made it possible for you to live as a Christian in the greatest country on this earth.—America.  

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